Established 22 Years –The leading
force in Cognitive intelligence
industrial application
Comprehensive solution and
service provider for global
customers and partners
Veteran in deploying AI technology
in 1000+ application scenarios
across various sectors

To improve everyone’s life with innovative AI technology

Serve and benefit more people with our AI technology

323+ Authorized Patents (including 21 in USA)
138+ Software Copyrights
253+ Registered Trademarks
16+ Works Registrations
Participating in 4 national standards and 5 group standards for AI
Leading the first international standards for AI Affective Computing (ISO/IECJTC1/
SC35 WD30150)
(Until 23 Feb, 2024)
Research and Development Team
Over 20 International Top AI expert advisors, mainly from top artificial intelligence experts at institutions
such as Columbia University and the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.

In the Top 10 Strategic Technology Trends for 2017, Gartner pointed out that Xiao-i, Apple Siri, and Microsoft Cortana
were the representatives of the global dialogue system.

In a Frost & Sullivan market research report in November 2018, “In the domain of commercial intelligent customer service,
Xiao-i has secured a high market share, solidifying its leading position.